
Welcome to My Page!

Hi, I’m Frederick and this is my blog page and I have something to tell about me. It’s hard to introduce yourself at times because you know yourself so well that you don’t know where to start. Let me seek to see what kind of picture you have of me through my definition of myself. I hope it’s not that close to my opinion of myself and your feeling about me. Here it goes.

About Me

Me and Myself

There’s a lot of stuff that I want to do, see and learn. I like cooking, I like eating; I like to think, dreaming and listening. I like seeing the sunrise in the morning, I like watching movies, I like hearing the music streaming across my ears, I like smelling the breeze coming from the ocean. I am on favor of delicious food and comfortable shoes, I love watching movies. I like people and I always wanted to wear my smile.

I always wanted to be a great cook, like Jasmine Oliver who is well known a good international chief. He have influenced millions of people through their TV cooking’s shows. I also wanted to be a CEO in a big company like Steve Jobs. Of course, I am nowhere close to these people. I’m just somebody doing some virtual task, some research and some administration duties but somehow my dream is still alive.

My Photos

What I can say?

I assume taking pictures of yourself is definitely something you have to do. Yet setting down the camera and just feeling wherever you are and living in the moment is good too.

What People Say

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My Blogs

My Favorite Quote

The day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit. Be Patient. Be humble. Keep moving forward and know that all this hard work you’re putting in day in and day out WILL produce the results you’ve been looking for. Your time is coming. Do not give up.

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